Friday, December 17, 2010

Types of People part 2

Welcome back to the exciting world of my blog!
Are you ready for the second part of Types People!
I am!
Well let's get started.
The types of people I will be going over include the
Mexican girls.
As you will soon figure out, every week I will post a blog about diffrent types of people.
It's my thank you for the hell that we've turned this world into.
Thank you!
So let's get started.
First off,
the Gangsters
Exhibit A:
Might I point out the little boy in the bottom right hand cornor.
Don't you love family reunions?
A gangster is a criminal who is a member of a gang; some gangs are considered to be part of organized crime. Well Wikipeida, I wouldn't neccisarily say organized crime.
Gangsters are knockoffs of the Mob. You know the Mob?
They made some pretty big movies about it.
The Godfather.
Well that's it.
Anyway, you have all these gangs running around,
So you walk outside in what you want to call "the hood" and you get shot by an oppsing gang member.
Isn't that a wonderful life?
Cause you know, I want my kids growing up around some crackheads with machine guns.
If you want a family that big, go adopt you dicks!
Well, that's it for the wannabe Mob.
Let's continue.
Next are the hicks.
Exhibit B:
America's wild life at it's finest.
Originally used in reference to poor, white farmers, Redneck is historically a derogatory slang term to refer to working class Southerners in the United States.
It is similar in meaning to "cracker", "hillbilly" and "white trash".
It's said that these strange creature's are native to the south of America.
Were the grass is green and the girls have big titties. (Thank you Slash.)
It's rumored around these parts that these wild creatures like to carry giant guns;
 Probably because the have small penis's.
They live by this one simple quote:
Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree.
Anyone want to tell me what this means?
I'll give you a harpooned hippo and a banana tree.

Next are the skaters.
Exhibit C:

Poor kid.
Shouldn't of listened to all the guy's screaming "Jump, jump!"
Now we can only imagaine what will happen next.
And no, God won't use his magic powers to save him.
He's probably sitting in Heaven laughing his ass off, saying, "It's what you get for believeing in me!"
so as you can imagine, the man fell, probably died alittle on the inside (just like his pride.)
And yet, it still continues to grow in popularity.
And why?
Because it's a great workout for fat poeple!
It is guernteed to make you lose 10 lbs. before you go to bed that night....
If you don't stop all day.
Yes, it's a vigourous workout, but for the small price of $1199.99 you too can get the workout video on how to push a board with your feet.

Next are the mexican girls.
Exhibit D:

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