Sunday, December 12, 2010

My First Topic of Choice

So you're reading my blog. How thrilling.
This is my first post that doesn't welcome you to my page.
And for today's topic...
I belive that it is murder.
There are over 42 million abortions every year.
Which means that 42 million unborn children are killed for no reason.
How is that fair?
The only, ONLY, reason i can see for such a horrible thing is if a woman is raped, and even then i am skeptical.
Why punish the baby for the fathers mistake?
Why murder what you used to be?
Why murder your OWN child?
The ways abortions are handled are sick.
Because, you know, i like to sit in acid and burn. I'm just like that.
Or how about when I'm sitting in my room, and I jab scissors into the back of my skull and just open them as wide as possible.
Women complain about giving birth, yet, having scissors opened wide in the back of your skull might hurt just a little bit more. Don't you think?
I grew up believing that everyone had a choice to do what they wanted to do.
Sing bad karaoke.
You know, the usual?
All of the above now, are crimes.
If your for abortion let me put it this way.
Say I went into your house and cut the back of your grandmother's head open and sucked the insides out.
What would you do?
(No, I don't need people saying, "oh, bitch, you'd never do that, i'd whoop your ass."  It's metaphorically speaking. Now if you don't like your grandmother, I can help pay someone but you didn't hear that from me.)
You would be horrified. You'd cry. You'd be very pissed (excuse my french.)
But to me, it's all the same.
Feel free to reply with your comments dissagreeing with me.
I'm looking forward to it.
Goodbye for now.

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