Friday, December 17, 2010

Types of People part 2

Welcome back to the exciting world of my blog!
Are you ready for the second part of Types People!
I am!
Well let's get started.
The types of people I will be going over include the
Mexican girls.
As you will soon figure out, every week I will post a blog about diffrent types of people.
It's my thank you for the hell that we've turned this world into.
Thank you!
So let's get started.
First off,
the Gangsters
Exhibit A:
Might I point out the little boy in the bottom right hand cornor.
Don't you love family reunions?
A gangster is a criminal who is a member of a gang; some gangs are considered to be part of organized crime. Well Wikipeida, I wouldn't neccisarily say organized crime.
Gangsters are knockoffs of the Mob. You know the Mob?
They made some pretty big movies about it.
The Godfather.
Well that's it.
Anyway, you have all these gangs running around,
So you walk outside in what you want to call "the hood" and you get shot by an oppsing gang member.
Isn't that a wonderful life?
Cause you know, I want my kids growing up around some crackheads with machine guns.
If you want a family that big, go adopt you dicks!
Well, that's it for the wannabe Mob.
Let's continue.
Next are the hicks.
Exhibit B:
America's wild life at it's finest.
Originally used in reference to poor, white farmers, Redneck is historically a derogatory slang term to refer to working class Southerners in the United States.
It is similar in meaning to "cracker", "hillbilly" and "white trash".
It's said that these strange creature's are native to the south of America.
Were the grass is green and the girls have big titties. (Thank you Slash.)
It's rumored around these parts that these wild creatures like to carry giant guns;
 Probably because the have small penis's.
They live by this one simple quote:
Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree.
Anyone want to tell me what this means?
I'll give you a harpooned hippo and a banana tree.

Next are the skaters.
Exhibit C:

Poor kid.
Shouldn't of listened to all the guy's screaming "Jump, jump!"
Now we can only imagaine what will happen next.
And no, God won't use his magic powers to save him.
He's probably sitting in Heaven laughing his ass off, saying, "It's what you get for believeing in me!"
so as you can imagine, the man fell, probably died alittle on the inside (just like his pride.)
And yet, it still continues to grow in popularity.
And why?
Because it's a great workout for fat poeple!
It is guernteed to make you lose 10 lbs. before you go to bed that night....
If you don't stop all day.
Yes, it's a vigourous workout, but for the small price of $1199.99 you too can get the workout video on how to push a board with your feet.

Next are the mexican girls.
Exhibit D:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Types of People

Welcome back!
This is going to be one of my favorite posts.
Were describing people!
Oh Joy To The World!
There are so many diffrent styles out there it is unreal, yet it is real.
How catchy.
The first style we will go over are the preps.
Exhibit A:
The word is particularly well-known amongst American teenagers, as it is quite often used to refer to a particular subculture present within most populous American high schools:
The traditionally "popular kids", generally consisting of the children of middle to upper class families, typically characterized as
A shallow, transparent group, who are primarily concerned with extrinsic things, the three most obvious of which are probably popularity (generally within their own high school), physical appearance and material possessions.
However, when used in this sense, the word is considered slightly more "slang-ish" when it is shortened to the term "prep(s)".
Ahh. Gotta love Wikipedia.

The next style is Punk.
Exhibit B:
Look at him rocking those 'Liberty Spikes'!
You get people who listen to the "Ramones" or the "Misfits" and you'll have hell to pay.
Punk is apart of all of this.
You get people who listens to bands that nobody else cares about.
Because they suck... *cough cough*
No offense to you people that use WAY to much hair gel or spray or whatever the hell you use to get your hair like that.

And now it gets interesting.
This next one is Goth.
Exhibit C:
Isn't that the kindof person you want dating your daughter?
The goth subculture is a contemporary subculture found in many countries. It began in England during the early 1980s in the gothic rock scene, an offshoot of the Post-punk genre.
These bands started this scene:
The limited number of bands that began the gothic rock and deathrock scenes included Bauhaus, Specimen, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Damned, The Cure, The Birthday Party, Southern Death Cult, Ausgang, Sex Gang Children, The March Violets, 45 Grave, UK Decay, Virgin Prunes, Kommunity FK, Alien Sex Fiend and Christian Death. Gloria Mundi, This Mortal Coil, Dead Can Dance, mittageisen, early Adam and the Ants, and Killing Joke.
I'm willing to give $5 to anyone who can actually say that listen to the bands, because I've never heard of any of them.
Now, this is plain and simple:They scare the living shit out of me.

Next is Emo.
Exhibit D:
You see?
Even the shirt says it.
Emo boys rock.
Too bad for all the cutting and sucide.
Ohh. Ouch. Did that hurt? Here, let me go hide my razor.
Ok enough with the hurtful stuff.
Emo style is to wear tight pants, and a striped shirt; possibly with a sad expression on your half hidden face because of your dyed black bangs. you may also have quite a few peircings, such as your lip, septum, tounge, and eyebrow. alot of eye makup is usually worn.
Anyone want an example of the definition of emo?  do!
"Ew look at that gross emo chick over there with emo style. Those sick peircings and tight clothes are so emo! GO CUT YOURSELF!"
Now I found that alittle funny/harsh.
Gotta love fucking with the emo kids!
Now to my favorite:
Exhibit E:
This fine young gentle man is Dahvie Vanity. He's also known as the always so horny and sexual songwriter and singer for the band "Blood On The Dance Floor."
Yes all you old timers are saying, "Hey that's a Michael Jackson Album."
and your right.
But he's dead.
And touched little boys.
ALRIGHT anyways, lets keep moving.
The perfect way to sum up Scene is by what a friend of mine once told me:
Scene is the BeDeazzled version of Emo and emo is the cry baby verion of Goths. And goths as, you know, are scary versions of Marilyn Manson.
And thats it.
Scenes are colorful Emo's who don't happen to cut themselves! Say no to Razors!

I will be updating this frequently.
Stay tuned for the oh so popular jock's with the strap!
Come back now.
Y'all here?

My First Topic of Choice

So you're reading my blog. How thrilling.
This is my first post that doesn't welcome you to my page.
And for today's topic...
I belive that it is murder.
There are over 42 million abortions every year.
Which means that 42 million unborn children are killed for no reason.
How is that fair?
The only, ONLY, reason i can see for such a horrible thing is if a woman is raped, and even then i am skeptical.
Why punish the baby for the fathers mistake?
Why murder what you used to be?
Why murder your OWN child?
The ways abortions are handled are sick.
Because, you know, i like to sit in acid and burn. I'm just like that.
Or how about when I'm sitting in my room, and I jab scissors into the back of my skull and just open them as wide as possible.
Women complain about giving birth, yet, having scissors opened wide in the back of your skull might hurt just a little bit more. Don't you think?
I grew up believing that everyone had a choice to do what they wanted to do.
Sing bad karaoke.
You know, the usual?
All of the above now, are crimes.
If your for abortion let me put it this way.
Say I went into your house and cut the back of your grandmother's head open and sucked the insides out.
What would you do?
(No, I don't need people saying, "oh, bitch, you'd never do that, i'd whoop your ass."  It's metaphorically speaking. Now if you don't like your grandmother, I can help pay someone but you didn't hear that from me.)
You would be horrified. You'd cry. You'd be very pissed (excuse my french.)
But to me, it's all the same.
Feel free to reply with your comments dissagreeing with me.
I'm looking forward to it.
Goodbye for now.

What My Blog Is About.

Hello world! Welcome to this blog.
I must warn you before you continue that there will be many controversail topics on here.
I will debate about ANYTHING that I believe in.
I must also warn you that there will be graphic images and language. I give you caution.
So if you have any topics on here that your willing to discuss, go right on ahead.
So everyone have a great night.